

Waukegan Strong Scholarship through the Waukegan Public Schools Foundation
Scholarship due March 15th

Fueling the Minds
Scholarship due March 15th 
Lake County Federation of Teachers Scholarship
Scholarship due March 24th 
Waukegan Parks Scholarship
Scholarship due April 1st
National Foundation of Alpha Psi Lambda 
Scholarship due April 15th 
Illinois Society of Professional Engineers
Scholarship due April 15th 
One Million Degrees
Scholarship due TBD

Community Information:
211 Lake County- You may find a variety of resources specific to Lake County using the 211 Lake County guide. Apart from searching online, you may also dial 211 from any phone within Lake County to be directed to a counselor who can work to assist you with your specific needs. 

Stop Second Hand Smoke Campaign

Second Hand Smoking Newsletters provided by the Lake County Health Department
Smoking_COVID_SHS.pdf Newsletter #1:  Frequently Asked Questions about Smoking and COVID
Smoking_COVID_SHS_Spanish.pdf  Boletín Informativo #1 Preguntas frecuentes sobre fumar y COVID
SHS and Youth.pdf  Newsletter #2: Second Hand Smoking and its Affect on Youth
SHS and Youth_Spanish.pdf  Boletín Informativo #2  El humo de segunda mano y su efecto en los jóvenes
Benefits of Smoke-Free housingBeneficios de vivienda liebre de humoTobacco CessationCese del tabaco

Signs of Alcoholism- 
If you believe someone you know is struggling with alcoholism please use this link to assist you in recognizing the warning signs. 

Meal resources:
“Meals for Kids” interactive map – to help families find meals for children while schools are closed during the coronavirus pandemic. The 
 directs people to local sites where kids can get free meals. 

Food Finder
displays USDA’s Meals for Kids locations on their web and mobile app

USDA National Hunger Hotline is available for anyone seeking food assistance. The hotline, operated by Hunger Free America, can be reached Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. ET at 1-866-3-HUNGRY (1-866-348-6479) or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (1-877-842-6273) (for Spanish).



A Word a Day 

Ben and Jerry's Fun Stuff

Brain Bashers

Chateau Meddybemps: Learning Activities 

Children's Storybooks Online

Cool Spots for Kids

Dave Pilkey's Web Site of Fun

Disney Junior

Hip Pocket Change

How Stuff Works

Learning Planet


National Geographic Kids

National Geographic: Education 

NIEHS Kids' Pages


Scholastic for Kids

Smithsonian Kids

Smithsonian: Kids Collecting

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