Community Committees

The Waukegan Public Schools encourages community participation in its various District committees, organized for the purpose of improving the District’s schools and opportunities for its students.  Community participation may be open or limited based on the purpose and size of the Committee.  Membership is limited to one District committee at a time to provide the District with a wide range of viewpoints from parents and community members interested in the development and welfare of our students.  Additional opportunities for involvement are available at the schools.

District level committee opportunities are summarized below. Contact the Committee Chair for further information.




Community Participation Information

Meeting Frequency

Academic Services

(Board Committee of the Whole)

To apprise the Board of matters relevant to the academic programs and initiatives of the schools, including information about items for which Board action will be requested at an upcoming regular Board meeting, significant project updates or status reports and Department recognition opportunities.

Eduardo Cesario, Deputy Superintendent

[email protected]


All welcome. Questions taken from the audience throughout the meetings, as recognized by the Board President.

Monthly, every third Tuesday; alternating start times with the Operations Services Committee of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee*

To provide input into and evaluation of the District’s bilingual programming; review Bilingual grant proposal; promote parental involvement and develop parent capabilities in assisting students; develop post secondary opportunities for English Learners

President: Ms. Luz Aquino


Liaison: Elisabeth Ambroggio, Director of Bilingual and Multicultural Department


[email protected]

Parents of children enrolled in the Bilingual program must be a majority of the members. Other interested parents and representatives of community groups welcome. However, community participants may not outnumber the District or parent participants.

At least 4 times per year. Dates and time set by the Committee’s Board of Directors

F.A.C.E. Parent Advisory Board


To review the District’s policy on parent involvement in the District and schools; to assist in the education of school staff about the benefits of parent involvement.

Carolina Fabian, Coordinator of the Office of F.A.C.E.;

[email protected]


Robert Silva, Principal

Carmen-Buckner Elementary School

[email protected]


A representative group of parents or family members of students served by the District, including those receiving services funded by Title I.Representatives from community organizations and businesses, with Superintendent or designee approval.

To be determined.

Operations Services

(Board Committee of the Whole)

To apprise the Board of matters relevant to the maintenance and operation of the schools and District facilities, school safety and student outreach, and financial reporting, including information about items for which Board action will be requested at an upcoming regular Board meeting, significant project updates or status reports and Department recognition opportunities.

LeBaron Moten, Chief Operating Officer

[email protected]

All welcome. Questions taken from the audience throughout the meetings, as recognized by the Board President.

Monthly, every third Tuesday; alternating start times with the Academic Services Committee of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m

Parent Teacher Advisory Committee

  • To review District policies regarding student behavior (discipline and positive behavior interventions) and reciprocal reporting and make recommendations for modifications.
  • To review the effectiveness of the Bullying Policy (every 2 yrs.) and make recommendations for improvement.

Eric Christianson,
Director of Academic Support Programs
ec[email protected]

Parents of currently enrolled students, representative of the diverse populations in the District. Advocates for persons with disabilities, and individuals with knowledge or expertise in the development and implementation of behavioral interventions for persons with disabilities.

Other interested community members; however, community participants may not outnumber the District or parent participants.

Monthly, with more frequent meetings in the Spring possible to update the Parent/Student Handbook on Rights and Responsibilities.

Bullying/PBIS Monthly Meeting~1st Tuesday of each month thru May  - 2p to 3p  Lincoln Center (Board Room)

  PTAC Monthly Meeting~3rd Wednesday of each month thru May -   6pm to 7pm Welcome Center (virtual for now)

  Discipline Monthly Meeting~3rd Thursday of each month thru May - 6pm to 7pm Welcome Center

Strategic Budget Planning Committee

(Board Standing Committee)

To develop the annual budget, review and prioritize annual budget proposals and assist building administrators with new SBB procedures

Gwen Polk, Associate Superintendent Business Services

[email protected]


All welcome. Questions taken from the audience throughout the meetings, as recognized by the Board President.

As needed in preparation of the annual budget.

Wellness Committee

To develop, review and provide ongoing input to the Administration regarding the District’s goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school-based activities designed to promote student wellness; nutrition guidelines for all foods available during the school day; and the plan for measuring implementation of policy 5005, Wellness

Mary Olson, K-8 Physical Education and School Wellness Facilitator

[email protected]


Alicia Williams, Coordinator of Transportation and Child Nutrition

[email protected]

Interested community members welcome. Health professionals encouraged to lend their expertise.

Monthly, third Thursday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m.

* This Committee is required under Article 14C of the School Code. It functions independently from the District, per the statute. A District representative serves as the Liaison to the Committee.

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