MTSS stands for multi-tiered system of supports. As an MTSS district, Waukegan Public Schools provides students opportunities to succeed by matching high-quality instruction and interventions to their individual needs. Our MTSS framework is data-driven, grounded in best teaching practices, and inclusive of academic, behavioral and social-emotional competencies. MTSS is not an initiative; it is a foundation for the work we do with our students.
District Coordinator of MTSS and SEL
MTSS Specialist Assignments
Anne Lefler
Lyon Elementary
Greenwood Elementary
Robbie Lightfoot
Karina Flores
Glenwood Elementary
Little Fort Elementary
Washington Elementary
Jen Miller
Clark Elementary
Oakdale Elementary
Whittier Elementary
*Smith MS--Supporting with Ashley Mantuano
Cooke Elementary
Hyde Park Elementary
McCall Elementary
Carman-Buckner Elementary
Clearview Elementary
Glen Flora Elementary
North Elementary
Ashley Mantuano
John Lewis Middle School
Miguel Juarez Middle School
Robert Abbott Middle School
Edith Smith Middle School--*Supporting with Jen Miller
Jack Benny Middle School--*Supporting with internal MTSS Coach
Cara Wyatt
Waukegan High School - Brookside Campus (9-10)
Waukegan High School - Washington Campus (11-12)